Bravo a la Vida: Testing...from SmashBravo Account

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© Bravo a la Vida. Powered by Blogger.

Testing...from SmashBravo Account

I think it is ready. Yes it has taken a few months, I was trying to get this blog self-hosted on Wordpress but the person that I thought would help me ended up being a complete flake and so after waiting for her all this time and letting the blog sit here idling, I decided enough was enough, I redid the design myself and passed over the posts from the other blog, you will notice they all have the same date. Sure we loved all those awesome plug ins and extras that Wordpress offers, but what good are all of those if I can't figure out the HTML. I couldn't even add the simply put we just had to move.

It's 7 a.m. and I stayed up all night finishing up some other stuff and then doing this so as soon as AB wakes up he can take care of the domain and we will officially be up and running. I will then delete the Wordpress blog (do I have to?) because it makes no sense for it to just sit there. I have been officially blogging with my girls on my other blog for a year now and can not wait to see where we can get this blog in a years time. With AB's help and with Jackies help too (she will be our pop-culture expert) I think we can really do well. So off we go...I wish us luck and hope we can become part of the very small Latino blogging culture. Adios Wordpress version of Mi Cafe Latino!
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[name=Bravo a la Vida] [img=] [description=Soy adicto al café y me gusta disfrutarlo con una buena lectura, me encanta todo tipo de música, sobre todo el rock, pero lo que más me emociona es disfrutar la vida con mi familia y amigos.] (facebook= (twitter= (instagram= (pinterest=

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