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Five Tips To A Happier & Healthier You

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Weave Made Media® and Hyperbiotics, but all my opinions are my own. #weavemade #HealthiestDaysAhead
I turned 53 this year, I am now what most people like to call "old". When I tell people my age, most tell me that they thought I was in my late 40's, definitely not my 50's. I don't think that it's that I necessarily look young, I know that I have aged a lot in recent years. I think that what people are really looking at is how active I am and how I am always on-the-go, and that makes them see me as younger. They're actually right in a way - because even though I may have the body of a 53 year old, I feel like I have the spirit and energy of a 40 something. 

One thing I learned at a young age was that in order to have a good quality of life, I had to take good care of my body. In my late teens and early 20's I used to play soccer and always kept very active. In later years I continued to stay physically active, always looking for outdoor activities and ways to keep my body and mind in good spirits. Now that I am in my 50's, I try to make it to the gym a few times a week, even though I would much rather sit at home with a book or watching a movie. I can't let myself get lazy about taking care of myself, not at this point. At this age I really have to make my health a priority and keep the momentum going. It's not that I want to stay looking young, I want to feel young so that I can keep up with daughter and the grandkids who are so full of energy. I also want to teach them by example, so that when they grow up they will always care for themselves too. 

Today I want to share some of my tips to leading a healthier life.
Stay active: One of the best secrets to always having energy is by staying active. It can be a physical activity like going to the gym, which is also a great way to keep your heart strong and healthy. But it can also be as simple as hitting the outdoors with the family for a game day, hiking or any activity which keeps you moving. Even something as simple as an evening walk with the kids is a great way to get some daily physical activity in.  

Take care of your gut health: You might not realize how important gut health is in your life. How you physically feel everyday has a lot to do with how healthy your gut is. Are you sluggish, bloated and always tired, or do you dread discomfort after meals or tummy troubles? 

A daily probiotic can help add back what you’ve been missing (due to our modern lifestyles), and put you on the path to more energy, clarity, better digestive health, improved immunity and more, helping you to look and feel your best and live the best days ahead.

Nobody likes to struggle with tummy problems. Hyperbiotics have made a significant difference in how my family and I feel and how much energy we have. Hyperbiotics promotes daily relief from gas, bloating, and irregularity. Hyperbiotics doesn’t have to be refrigerated and comes in an easy to swallow pearl, so it's not a struggle to take. Hyperbiotics is the world’s most effective probiotic supplement, and you can easily find it at your local Target.

Taking care of your gut health doesn't have to be hard. I am taking Hyperbiotics Pro-15 to promote a healthy balance in my digestive system, #followyourgut and check it out at Target.
Stay positive: One of my secrets to being happier and staying healthier is to be positive. Nothing ages you faster than worrying and stressing about things you can't control. Life isn't easy, I know, but I am a believer in doing the best I can and keeping a positive mind. Your outlook on life can really make a difference in your everyday, so I always try to start the day on a positive note and keep it going that way. 
Give yourself time off: No one can run on high all the time, we all need some downtime to unwind and catch our bearings. Just like I enjoy spending time with the entire family, I also really enjoy those moments of solitude and rest. These are the moments that my mind gets to rest and prepare for whatever life has in store for me tomorrow. 
It's all about balance: Leading a healthy and more positive life isn't something you can do overnight, nor is it something you can do everyday. It's all about balance. Maybe today I will eat a large dinner with the family and not go to the gym, especially if it's a weekend, but tomorrow I will make up for it with extra activity. Or maybe today I am overwhelmed with problems and can't think positive, but tomorrow is a new day and I will wake up with positive intent in my mind and heart. 

If we just learn to balance life and make better choices for ourselves, I do think we can be happier and healthier overall. By taking care of ourselves and keeping our bodies healthy and strong, we can be there for our family and enjoy life a lot more. 

Find out more about Hyperbiotics Pro-15 and the entire Hyperbiotics range of products.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Probiotics support many facets of overall health when taken regularly as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
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Sunday Morning Car Wash & Go!

In a family full of women, 7 of them, it's not easy to get some guy time. It's trips to the mall, trips to the makeup store and even an outing to the movies is one that they want to see. That's why Sunday the boys and I carve out time to spend some guy time together without the influence of all those women. No, we don't want to go to FROYO or to the mall, we want to go for a little cruise, to the beach and maybe some bowling at the end. 
Sunday is also the day we wash the car in preparation for the busy week ahead. With only half a day to count as our own, the last thing we want to do is bring out the bucket of soapy water and spend an hour washing the car. How can we get it sparkling & clean in less time so we can get on with the business of enjoying our girl-free day? Armor All to the rescue! With Armor All Ultra Shine Wash Wipes, Armor All Ultra Shine Wax Wipes and Armor All Ultra Shine Tire & Trim Shine Sponges we can get the car cleaned up in less than half the time of a typical car wash. 
This 1, 2, 3 step system can be used anywhere. All three of these products are pre-moistened and treated, you don't need anything else to get the exterior of your car clean. With two assistants to help out, we will be done in no time. 
Starting with Armor All Ultra Shine Wash Wipes, we will spot clean all the dirty areas of the car. These wipes are really great at picking up all the dust and grime that has gathered since our complete wash a few days ago. 
 These extra large wipes make cleaning even our larger vehicle fast and easy.
Armor All Ultra Shine Wash Wipes are super handy and great to have in the car at all times in case of bird accidents or other type of messes you need to clean from your car immediately. 
 The second step in the system is the Armor All Ultra Shine Wax Wipes, which again are so easy to use. These pre-waxed wipes bring out the shine in my car so effortlessly, with no buffing or elbow grease required. 
 You'll want to keep a bag of these in your car at all times too, for those days that your car has to look its best.  
 Of course no car wash is complete without detailing your tires. The last step in this 3-step system is the Armor All Ultra Shine Tire & Trim Shine Sponges, which I find the most rewarding. The high-shine that my tires get when I treat them with this product is what gives it the finishing touch. Plus I enjoy knowing my tires are UV protected.
 This third step in the system completes our quick wash. By looking at the finished result, you wouldn't guess just how little time it took us to get it cleaned up. I take my car to the car wash about three times a month, but this Armor All system is great for us to keep the car looking it's best in between those washes. 
 I found these products at Walmart in the Automotive Section.Take advantage of the $2.00 off any one (1) of the Armor All Ultra Shine Wipes coupon so you can try them out next time you need to clean your car & go! I think you will enjoy how convenient they are for all those times that your car has to be clean and there's no time for a full wash.
 Now that the car is clean & shiny, we can hit the road for a few hours of guy time. It feels great having such a clean car, it really does. Plus, now the car is ready for another full week of school pick ups and drop offs. In a clean & shiny car, the job of chauffeur is actually enjoyable and I look forward to that extra time with all the kiddos. 
What will you do with the extra time you save by washing your car with the Armor All 3-step system?

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Armor All, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #LessTimeMoreShine
Bravo a la Vida
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De paseo en Echo Park

Recién estuve en la ciudad de Los Angeles, en un fin de semana que estaba completamente nublado y con un poco de frio, más bien, con bastante frio. Pero eso no impidio que fuera a uno de mis lugares favoritos a caminar, relajarme y entretenerme un poco dentro del bullicio de una ciudad con mucho movimiento.
Ese día estaba un poco solo el parque, quizá debido al frio pero la poca gente que me encontré se veía que estaba disfrutando el momento.
Vi algunas personas paseando en bicicleta, otras solo caminando y otras corriendo para ejercitarse, pero lo que no deja de haber son los vendedores de antojitos que ya es tradición del parque, como el vendedor de elotes, el de paletas, el de chicharrones, el de hot-dogs, el de los dulces y hasta tacos y enchiladas encuentras.
También lo que vi es que se reunen familias para celebrar algun cumpleaños y en lugar de organizar una pequeña fiesta en casa, lo hacen en el parque donde quizá tengan más espacio o donde pueden convivir de una mejor manera.
Hay quienes llevan su hamaca para descansar o dormir al aire libre, que es una buena opción si te desvelaste en la noche y no te dejan dormir en casa. 
Yo aproveché y compré varias cosas, entre ellas un elote asado con chile y limon y después unos aros o ruedas de chicharrón de harina con mucho chile y limón también, ya que me encantan muchísimo.
Fue una tarde agradable la que pase en Echo Park y no dejaré de visitarlo nuevamente en cualquier otro momento, aunque sólo sea para comprarme un elote asado o unos esquites, y sobre todo porque me recuerda el ambiente y costumbres que se viven en cualquier parque de México.

Bravo a la Vida
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