Bravo a la Vida: Is The Kindle Latino Friendly?

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Is The Kindle Latino Friendly?

I am in LOVE with my Kindle and even though I have only had it since February it already has 150 books/games loaded on it. I had originally asked for the Nook and was a bit bummed when BF got me this instead but now I am now completely happy with it because of all the freebies and super affordable titles I have gotten from Amazon. My only problem with Amazon and the Kindle though is the utter lack of quality Spanish books. My BF has the Kindle app on his Blackberry and is now even talking about buying himself the lower priced Kindle. But in my opinion, if you consider the amount of titles that are available in Spanish, it would not be worth it at all.
Right after he downloaded his app I decided to buy him his first book and I am not lying when I tell you that it took me over an hour to find one that I felt was semi-decent. If you look at the numbers that Amazon carries it is 9,554 books in Spanish, however as I was scrolling though the titles most of the books I found were not titles I would ever read and that I knew he would not enjoy. Some books seem completely old fashioned and a lot (too many in my eyes) were bibles or religious titles. There is also an extreme amount of what I would almost call PORN, with pictures on the cover of half naked men and women. Not that there is anything wrong with that I guess, if that is what floats your boat then go for it, but what happens when all you want to read is a good suspense novel. Where are the Stephen King, Dean Koontz, James Patterson’s of the Spanish speaking world?? Or why are there not enough translations in stock??

La Diosa perdida (Spanish Edition)
After what felt like forever I finally found what sounded like a nice suspenseful read for him, La Diosa PerdidaAt only $2.99 it was a really great value and I hope he does enjoy it. Still I am not looking forward to the search for the next title once he finishes this one and until we start seeing more quality titles in Spanish I will not recommend that he buy his own device. I wonder if Amazon even knows how much business they are losing by not providing a larger Spanish library.

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