Bravo a la Vida: Love Books? You Must Read This!

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Love Books? You Must Read This!

Are you a book lover? I sure am and tonight while doing some blog surfing I bumped into the most amazing blog hop ever. Hosted by I am a Reader Not a Writer & Once Upon a Twilight, this hop has 223 participating blogs and everything is geared around books and reading!! A lot of blogs are giving away books plus a lot of them are also giving away gift cards for, Barnes & Noble and The Book Depository. Amazing is all I can say, I have spent the last hour running down the list and entering all the ones that have prizes I want to win.

The best part about this hop is that its super fast, some blogs only have one entry and at the most there is 3. So it’s super fast, just get in there hit the follow button or whatever the mandatory requirement is and go on to the next one. Hop runs until the 25th and all winners will be announced on the 26th.

If you love books, I suggest you get on over there
and enter some giveaways!
Bravo a la Vida
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[name=Bravo a la Vida] [img=] [description=Soy adicto al café y me gusta disfrutarlo con una buena lectura, me encanta todo tipo de música, sobre todo el rock, pero lo que más me emociona es disfrutar la vida con mi familia y amigos.] (facebook= (twitter= (instagram= (pinterest=

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