Bravo a la Vida: Earth Day! Tips for Being GREENER

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Earth Day! Tips for Being GREENER

Happy Earth Day!
If anything today is a day to think about what little things we can change in our life to help save our earth. It’s not always about BIG changes you know, if we could all do a few things here and there imagine how BIG an impact that would be.
Here are some things that you can do that will make a big difference.
Lower your water usage:  This is such an easy one! Simply turn off the tap people, I hate walking in my kitchen and seeing my kids washing the dishes with the water on full blast. Or when my daughter puts her 3 year old to play in the shower for 20-30! What??? Get her in the shower and get her out, I say and that’s really how it has to be, no one needs to shower for hours at a time…really. During teeth brushing time turn off the tap while you brush and make everyone else around you do the same. I am the crazy lady around here that goes around turning off the tap while people are using it, but hey, not only am I conserving water,  I am going to be paying a much smaller water bill!
Go Paperless: While it’s impossible to go completely paperless you can cut back in a lot of different ways. Get bills and bank statements sent online, sometimes you even get a small credit from a company for starting this service. Another great way to save paper is by cutting back on the paper towel usage. My girls love to clean with paper towels and can go through roll after roll of it. Instead I purchased a nice little stack of cleaning cloths from Wal Mart for only $5. Now they use these for all the dusting and cleaning and then we throw them in the wash. I also get all the old t-shirts that are usually going to the trash and cut them up to use for the really messy clean ups.
Recycle: Newspapers, plastics, aluminum. Put it all in the recycle bin. Some people even make a lot of extra money by taking these items in to recycling centers, for us that would be to heavy so instead we just put it all into our bin and it gets picked up once a week.

Buy a Reusable Water Bottle: This was a hard one for us, this goes back to the laziness factor. After all it is so much easier to throw away a plastic bottle than to wash a reusable one BUT it’s a rule I had to implement. Now everyone has a water bottle that they have to refill through the day and when they go out.
Walk: My BF drives hundreds of miles per week for work reasons so on Friday nights, which is our weekly trip to McDonalds with the kiddies we walk. It’s about a 35 minute walk and we always go out at about 6 which is such a nice time to be out. We get to smell the fresh air, exercise and the pleasant walk back and forth leaves the kids ready for bedtime right after the shower.
There are so many other things that can be done that are not feasable for us for some reason or another, but while we can not do them there might be a few that you can.
Buy in Bulk: When purchasing from stores like Cost co you reduce packaging plus trips to the store.
Line Dry: Ditch the drier and put your clothes on a line to dry.  This is good for your clothes too, they will look great longer.
Purchase fresh foods instead of canned: If there is a farmers market in your area this is a great one. Plus fresh fruits and veggies are so much more delicious than anything canned.
Plant a vegetable Garden: Would love to try this one day!
These are my tips for you and for all of us this Earth Day…what tips do you have that you can share with us ?
Bravo a la Vida
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